Stedsegrønt nåletræ hjemmehørende på Taiwan, i Syd kina og Burma. Plantet i botaniske samlinger og enkelte parker i de mest vintermilde egne af Vesteuropa, overvejende i Irland og det sydvestlige England, hvor den er blevet op til 14 m høj.
Koglerne ligner Cunninghamia-kogler.
Skuddene kan ligne Cryptomeria-skud, men er bredere ved grunden, jævnt afsmalnende og spidsere.
Coffin tree, Taiwania cryptomerioides (Cupressaceae), is a rare, dimorphic-leafed conifer; the exceptionally light wood is used in the making of coffins in its native Taiwan.
The prickly, juvenile leaves of Taiwania resemble the foliage of the closely related (and more garden-familiar) Cryptomeria japonica ("sugi"). Taiwania cones don't appear until specialized branches with flattened, scale-like leaves are produced. Coffin trees in the David C. Lam Asian Garden show the typical, beautiful blue foliage of the species, but despite many being more than 20 years in the ground, none yet exhibits the distinctive dimorphism.